About us
Our purpose is to enable more New Zealanders to tap into the many benefits that only fibre optics can bring. By making direct connectivity as easy as possible, we are helping our communities access the superior speed, quality and future-proofed protection that comes through a dedicated fibre optic line, without interruption.
Connect better, with fibre.
Why we put fibre first
We believe quality access to the internet is a basic human right, like water and electricity. With fibre, we're providing Aotearoa with access to a world of information through access to the world’s best broadband. We’re building better, brighter more connected communities – driving increased productivity, learning, growth and prosperity.

What we do
We are a fibre optic infrastructure business. That means our core business is the planning and installation of a network of fibre optic cables which provide individual households and businesses a direct line of connectivity to the internet.
As a wholesale business, we provide access to those lines to our retail partners — the mobile network operators (MNOs) and internet service providers (ISPs). They then provide their customers varying packages of data volume and speeds at varying rates, using our network.

Member of the New Zealand Telecommunications Forum
We are a Wholesale Scheme member under the TCF Customer Complaints Code, which brings us under the scope of the Telecommunication Disputes Resolution service. This is a free service for customers to help them resolve disputes about telecommunication services, including unresolved disputes relating to network faults or installation works.
If a problem arises, you should first contact your internet service provider to discuss your complaint and try to resolve it with them. They will contact us if they need any information we hold.
If you are unable to resolve the problem with your internet service provider for any reason, you can contact TDR on freephone 0508 98 98 98, or visit their website www.tdr.org.nz

Our network
We are building a network of connectivity with more than 6,000 km of fibre optics.
Our network utilises a world-class GPON network that connects to the rest of the world via the underwater Southern Cross cable. It’s the best broadband solution available, no matter what the future capacity demands may be – further evidence of our ‘do it once and do it right’ philosophy.

Our region
We provide access to a population of over 252,000 households and businesses throughout the Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui and Wellington regions.
We are always working on extending our network to ensure more New Zealand households and businesses have access to the very best internet connectivity available.

Corporate structure
Established in 2011, Tuatahi First Fibre (previously Ultrafast Fibre Limited) is owned by Igneo Infrastructure Partners.
We work with key partners, stakeholders and the wider New Zealand telecommunications sector to grow and manage the Ultrafast Broadband (UFB) network across the central North Island.
Our service partners Civtec and Ventia build, provision and maintain the physical network.
As an essential services network business, we provide a range of world-class wholesale fibre services to over 50 internet service providers, who in turn provide UFB products and services to end user customers including households, schools, businesses and healthcare facilities.