We're here to help customers switching from copper to fibre
Consumer broadband options are changing
The copper network will gradually be withdrawn in some areas where fibre is available. While this network has served New Zealand well, the fibre broadband network will give you better access to more reliable, faster, and more consistent internet.
What is copper withdrawal?
Chorus, the owner and operator of the copper network, is required to go through a controlled process before it withdraws its copper network services in areas where fibre is available. The Commerce Commission has designed a Copper Withdrawal Code to protect consumers and make sure they understand that process. If there is no option for fibre (for example in rural areas) then services currently provided over the copper network are expected to remain in place.
Why is this happening
The Commerce Commission (and Copper Withdrawal Code) recognises there will come a time when it no longer makes economic sense for Chorus to continue maintaining their copper network in areas where fibre is available. The Code makes it clear that Chorus can only decide to withdraw copper in areas where fibre is available and can be installed, so consumers can be certain that everyone will remain connected to the internet.
Who is responsible for implementing the Copper Withdrawal Code?
Chorus and industry will work together to ensure successful implementation of the Copper Withdrawl Code, and to make sure that consumers receive the information they require. Chorus must give at least six months' notice before they can withdraw copper.
Who can I talk to if I have a concern?
If a consumer has a concern about the process of withdrawing the copper services, they can raise this through the industry dispute scheme, Telecommunications Dispute Resolution (TDR). TDR is free for consumers. It is an independent service which helps resolve disputes between consumers and their telecommunications provider..
How can I prepare for copper withdrawal now?
If you want to get ahead of copper withdrawal, you can find out what your broadband options are at your address and contact your internet service provider and either ask them for fibre or to explain what your broadband options are at your address. They are required to let you know all of your options.